A Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI) delegation initiates today, January 14th, a visit to SPMS Portuguese premises to attend a Joint Symposium about health digital transformation. The meeting will last until the 16th of January and the Korean delegation will visit several SPMS units in Lisbon and Porto.
The KOSMI delegation, which brought to Portugal representatives from the Korean University Medicine, Seoul National University Hospital and the Development Institut for Health & Welfar, among others, initiated the first day with presentations about Precision Medicine and Artificial Intelligence. Hyun Ae Park, representing Seoul National University, mentioned the important contribution of the Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine Clinical Terms (SNOMED CT), in their work, for which SPMS has the licence for the Portuguese territory since 2014.

Henrique Martins, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPMS, opened the Symposium alluding to the knowledge exchange and SPMS good practices. Throughout the day presentations will alternate between KOSMI and SPMS teams, tackling different topics such as Health Terminology in Korea, Medical AI Project in Korea, eHealth National Strategy and International Context – ENESIS, Paperless Prescription and Paperless Exams and the Citizen at the Center of the System.
The Korean delegation visit integrates SPMS strategy to exchange experience and knowledge sharing with international health organizations. Korea views SPMS commitment to develop a digital transformation in health as a reference, maintaining a eHealth position of leadership in Europe.