On the second day of the Joint Symposium between the Korean Society of Medical Informatics (KOSMI) delegation and SPMS the debate centred around the relevance of a cooperation strategy in digital health.
The second day started with a knowledge exchange and experience sharing session, where both institutions shared their experiences with eSkills, Public health Systems, Big Data and Telehealth.

Later in the day, all the Symposium participants attended a Brainstorming Workshop, where a Design Thinking exercise was done, covering several topics, such as Sustainability, Healthcare Quality and Safety, Patient Empowerment, Equity and Efficiency.

In the closing session, Henrique Martins, Chairman of the Board of Directors of SPMS, reiterated the importance of a cooperation strategy in the digital transformation effort, where helping other countries, creating a method for doing it and finding a solid method to implement this strategy, being the most important concepts to take into consideration.
Tomorrow the KOSMI delegation will continue their tour in Portugal with a visit to both Porto and Maia SPMS units.